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Saturday, August 27, 2011

My wife Characteristics of Shalehah

Shalihah woman (wife shalihah) is the Best and semulia - noble title given to a woman beloved of God. Title or that title is not just a name and pride, but he is the fruit of a long struggle in the life of a woman. Reminded the Muslim community, in order to guard against khadraauddiman, the beautiful woman who grew up in a bad place.
Many women long for that title, but very little until the goal is missed. Therefore, the long journey that must be taken by a woman necessitated by the steep road, winding, rocky, up hill and down the mountain, full of thistles and thorns. Think for a moment the leaders of women's life journey of Paradise, which is the best of women as the Prophet Prophet below.
The best of women is Maryam bint Imran and best of women is Khadijah bint Khuwailid. (Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim). Of Abu Musa ra. said: the Prophet said: The man with the perfect lot, but not so for women except Asiya wife of Pharaoh, and Maryam bint Imran. And indeed primacy over other women such as Aisha tsarid virtue (the oily side dish) for other food. (Narrated by Bukhari). The Prophet said: Fatima is a woman leader of Paradise. (Narrated by Bukhari).
Shalihah woman (wife shalihah) is the Best and semulia - noble title given to a woman beloved of God. Title or that title is not just a name and pride, but he is the fruit of a long struggle in the life of a woman. Reminded the Muslim community, in order to guard against khadraauddiman, the beautiful woman who grew up in a bad place.
Many women long for that title, but very little until the goal is missed. Therefore, the long journey that must be taken by a woman necessitated by the steep road, winding, rocky, up hill and down the mountain, full of thistles and thorns. Think for a moment the leaders of women's life journey of Paradise, which is the best of women as the Prophet Prophet below.
The best of women is Maryam bint Imran and best of women is Khadijah bint Khuwailid. (Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim). Of Abu Musa ra. said: the Prophet said: The man with the perfect lot, but not so for women except Asiya wife of Pharaoh, and Maryam bint Imran. And indeed primacy over other women such as Aisha tsarid virtue (the oily side dish) for other food. (Narrated by Bukhari). The Prophet said: Fatima is a woman leader of Paradise. (Narrated by Bukhari).

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Obedience to the Husband Wife

For scholars and people who have learned the Shari'a on the marital relationship in Islam, the topic of husbands obedient wives it is not a new topic, "it was supposed to be that" there may be one of the comments if there discussing the issue of obedience of a wife to her husband .. . unfortunately many people do not realize that behind the Shari'a that God has determined there is a lot of knowledge and wisdom to be happy about and cheer the life of the world and bring salvation to live in the hereafter, Insha Allah. Sciences such as these are not just anyone get it, not even the clergy to get it because the science is only direzekikan from God to those who earnestly pursue ways. For example the science of prayer. The obligation of prayer and prayer is obligatory procedures known to all Muslims, but only a few people who use the science of prayer is to become closer to God, longing to God, and with the grace and mercy of God is processed so that people can pray prevent the shameful and unjust deeds.
There are several important points that need to be known by the Muslim on the issue of obedience to the husband, among others: 1. Position of women in Islam
Since the creation of man until the implementation of Shari'a in human life, God has given many indications that women and men are not equal:

Monday, August 22, 2011

Relationships rules between men and women in Islam

Astonishing phenomenon!
The phenomenon of sex among teenagers today is very worrying. Preview permisifisme culture and rampant hedonism can be seen from the Synovate research results in four cities: Jakarta, Bandung, Medan and Surabaya (see Reuters, March 11, 2006).
Of the 450 respondents children aged 15-24 years we find an astonishing fact. Robby Susatyo-Manager-Director of Synovate data suggests the following:

Sunday, August 21, 2011

My darling My wife

For the men we can not deny that we do want a wife who can make us calm in the run life activities of either working or not. Obedient wife to her husband is every man's dream because the man's wife is the most precious treasure, because with him is (wife) we face all persoalanan in this world, the wife is the place to pour out our grief we are experiencing, we are face it, who else we going to tell you all what we feel if not for our wives.
In addition to his wife did The real task is heavier in comparison with a man in which a wife should be able to keep the baby in order to grow and develop while a husband's duty to make a living, as long as the husband was earning a living then istrilah caring for a baby they both .

Tips on choosing a spouse for Us

How to Select Hidup.memilih and couples seeking a life partner should susah.kita tu apparently were really know how How to Select a Pet Living the right to be made in istri.kalo we do not know, could be later be destroyed in the middle of the road. Choosing a life partner do not have to target someone who is perfect. Because nothing is perfect besides the prophet Muhammad. All of His creation in creating shortages. This deficiency which later on perfected each lain.tapi if allowed tau, Sieh couples who like what you want? Well here How to Select a Pet Life.

Wife shalehah

Sholehah wife will look at the catastrophic conditions, trials, tempest, and the crisis.
Sholehah wives love a man who married her.
Sholehah wife for her husband decorated and dressed up with deeds and words.
Sholehah wife is intelligent and stupid at the same time. Intelligently so that it can find the genius of her husband, and stupid so it does not know her husband's flaws and mistakes.
Sholehah wife receives her husband for the sake of gain stability, while stability to get their husbands receive

Characteristics of Women sholehah

Not many conditions imposed by Islam for a woman to receive a degree solehah, and so receive a full reward syurga pleasure of Allah Subhanahuwata'ala

They need only satisfy two conditions only, namely:
1. Obey Allah and His Apostle
2. Obedient to the husband

Here, among other details of the two conditions above:

Muslim Women's Clothing Styles

A woman is reflected in what she's wearing, especially for a Muslim that which he devoted to God Almighty he will always obey what is commanded by his religion and get away from his ban.
A Muslim woman is always keep yourself, and honor him than someone who is not mukhrimnya. Due from head to toe is all the genitalia, and was limited to the palm of the hand was not the nakedness. So like it or not even a Muslim woman should be able to keep the whole thing.
Clothing is either in use by a Muslim woman dresses is that where it can cover all genitalia is going on inside him, not only that a woman should also be able to maintain her chastity.
In Islam there is adab Using the clothes in which include:
In the religion of Islam are prayer to open and use clothing that is:

Opening prayer Dress and Clothing
Allahumma innii asaluka min khoirihi khoiri maa huwa lahu wa, wa wa a'uudzubika min syarrohi syarro maa huwa lahu "O Allah, I beg thee virtue and virtue of this clothing provided for him. And I seek refuge in Thee from the evil and the evil things that made him. "(Narrated by Ibn Sunni).

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Wife Is Shalehah

Shalehah wife who is able to bring happiness in front of his eyes, even just with her eyes. A wife is expected to dig up anything that could improve his appearance, beautify the situation in front of my dear husband. Thus, the husband will feel peace when there with him.
Getting shalehah wife is every man's dream. Because it has a shalehah wife better than the world and its contents. World''is the jewelry, fine jewelry and the best of the world is shalehah wife.''(Muslim and Ibn Majah).

Believer is of the best

From Abu Hurairah. Ra: Rasulullah SAW said: "The most perfect believers are the best behavior, and the best among you is of best treatment to women". (Reported by al-Tirmidhi). The above hadith explains that the believers of the most perfect faith are those of best depraved. One of the most noble character is being nice to the wife, as ordered to the al-quran, and accompany their wives in a way that kindness (Surah An-Nisa 4:19). By the way It's a faithful husband will be the best.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Twelve of True Love to Woman

From Urwah bin Zubair narrated that there was a woman stealing at the time of the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wassalaam in the War of the Fatah (Conquest of Mecca). Then the (family) the woman complained to Usama bin Zaid as he pleaded syafa'at (help) him. Then, protracted Urwah, when bin Laden talking with the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wassalaam, then the face beliaupun changed. Then his peace and blessings be upon wassalaam asked, "Are you talking to me about (dispensation) in the case of HAD (legal sanctions) that have been established by God?" Usamahpun said, "Pray pardon me, O Messenger of Allah".
Then the afternoon the Messenger of Allaah upon him as he stood wassalaam berkhutbah. He praised God with qualities worthy of Him. Then he said, "Amma ba'du, indeed to destroy those who came before you is none other than because they once if honorable men among them stole, they let him. However, if a weak person among them stole, they do amka HAD (legal sanctions) against him. Essence of the soul for the sake of Muhammad in His hand, if Fatimah Bint Muhammad stole, I would be cut off his hand. "Then the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wassalaam ordered that the woman cut her hand. After that, the woman repented and married well. Radhiyallahu'anha Aisha said, "then the woman came to me, then I will report the purpose of his coming to the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wassalaam" (Narrated by Bukhari).

The Nature and Characteristic Muslim Woman is Praised

Women are one of God's creatures are precious Subhaanahu wata'ala. Characteristics of women differ from men in several laws such as female genitalia is different from the male genitalia. Women have a very great position in Islam. Islam is maintaining the dignity, the dignity of a woman. Noble women in Islam is a Muslim woman who sholihah.

Muslim woman is not enough just to Muslim only, but must be a Muslim woman who sholihah because many Muslim women who do not sholihah. God Subhaanahu wata'ala highly praised Muslim women, who patiently and khusyu mu'minah '. Even God Subhaanahu wata'ala mensifati them as the keepers of the devout. Subhaanahu wata'ala Allah says:

It means: "The woman who is a devout sholihah, longer maintain herself when her husband was not there because God has guarded them." (Surat an Nisa ': 34)Women shalihah is everyone's dream. The most precious treasure, the best of jewelry. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said, meaning: "The world is wholly jewelry. And best of world jewelry is a woman who sholihah. "

It would be wonderful if every Muslim woman who sholihah, every husband's dream. Therefore every woman should hasten to repair themselves and akhlaqnya to be a woman who sholihah. Therefore, we must know the nature and characteristics of women sholehah, among them:

1. FirstMuslim woman is a woman who believes in God Subhaanahu wata'ala is his Lord, and Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam is His prophet, and Islamic guidance of his life. The impact is all clearly visible in the words, deeds, and righteous deeds. He will stay away from anything that causes the wrath of God, fear of punishment by an extremely painful, and not deviate from his rules.

2. SecondMuslim women always keep praying five times with wudlu'nya, khusyu 'in fulfilled, and establish prayer in time, so there is nothing to occupy it from the pray. There is nothing that neglect of the worship of Allah Subhaanahu wata'ala so obvious to him that prayer fruit. For prayer that prevents indecency and evil and the citadel of immoral deeds.

Characteristics Wife sholehah

Sifat istri shalihah bisa kita rinci berikut ini berdasarkan dalil-dalil yang disebutkan setelahnya

1. Penuh kasih sayang, selalu kembali kepada suaminya dan mencari maafnya. Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda : “Maukah aku beritahukan kepada kalian, istri-istri kalian yang menjadi penghuni surga yaitu istri yang penuh kasih sayang, banyak anak, selalu kembali kepada suaminya. Di mana jika suaminya marah, dia mendatangi suaminya dan meletakkan tangannya pada tangan suaminya seraya berkata: “Aku tak dapat tidur sebelum engkau ridha.” (HR. An-Nasai dalam Isyratun Nisa no. 257. Silsilah Al-Ahadits Ash Shahihah, Asy- Syaikh Al Albani rahimahullah, no. 287)
2. Melayani suaminya (berkhidmat kepada suami) seperti menyiapkan makan minumnya, tempat tidur, pakaian, dan yang semacamnya.
3. Tidak memberikan Kemaluan nya kecuali kepada suaminya.

Al Quran :
“Perempuan yang berzina dan laki-laki yang berzina, maka deralah tiap-tiap seorang dari keduanya seratus dali dera, dan janganlah belas kasihan kepada keduanya mencegah kamu untuk (menjalankan) agama Allah, jika kamu beriman kepada Allah, dan hari akhirat, dan hendaklah (pelaksanaan) hukuman mereka disaksikan oleh sekumpulan orang-orang yang beriman. (an-Nuur: 2-3).
“Dan janganlah kamu mendekati zina; sesungguhnya zina itu adalah suatu perbuatan yang keji. Dan suatu jalan yang buruk,” (al-Israa’: 32)
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